CHEM 131 Midterm: Exam 1 No Solutions Fall 2000

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Problem 1: (20 points) design a turing machine that inverts the bits in a binary number. The binary number is located to the right of the tape head"s starting position and is surrounded by blanks as shown below: b. Describe your turing machine by lling in the state transition table below. Note that in the operations column, only the symbols b, 0, 1, l, r, and h are allowed that is, you cannot simultaneously write a symbol to the tape and move the tape head left or right. You may not need to use the full table, but be sure to comment those states that you do use. Problem 2: shown below are the four instruction classes for a 16 bit risc processor with 16 bit instructions and 16 registers. Rd is the destination register for the operation, and ra and rb are source registers.