FMSC 170 Study Guide - Final Guide: Comprehensive Sex Education, Relationship Education, Character Education

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Stis are a danger to the teen population. Teen parenting is a cost to children and society. Teens are having sex and need to learn safe options. It is important to teach about abusive relationships. Schools may have better resources to teach the topic than families. Millions of dollars were set aside for abstinence only education in 96. Aims to teach: self-esteem, self-control, decision-making, goal-setting, character education, communication skills, stds, parenthood, anatomy. Sex outside of marriage may result in: pregnancy or fear of pregnancy, stis. Hiv rates high in young- mid 20s. Hpv rates high: guilt, depression, lack of self-respect, multiple partners. Do not address: contraception, other forms of sexual expression, homosexuality. Comprehensive sex ed provides different knowledge than abstinence only until marriage education. Reflects reality that most people do have sex before marriage. Relies more on critical thinking skills and decision making more in line with messages from media etc.