PSYC 354 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Consciousness Raising, Tim Wise, Conflict Resolution

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Includes the lens of culture justice and equity. Allows us to understand the best and worst human behavior across cultural differences. Predict and explain human thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Allows us to understand the causes of the best and worst of human behavior. Right of same sex couples to adopt children. Elimination of life sentences for juvenile offenders. Dr. melba vasquez called on psychologists to address issues of equality, justice and minimizing human suffering. Social justice and advocacy are one of the 5 central pillars or themes of discipline. Self-reflection and awareness work to change implicit and explicit attitudes. Learn to listen to differing perspectives demonstrate empathy. Learn to dialogue across difference engage, take risks. Identify racism, sexism, homophobia, classism and other types of injustice take action. Noise may interfere with communication process and therefore no message. Noise may be confusion with social identities. Errors in decoding or unconscious or conscious loaded encoding.