ACC 212- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 14 pages long!)

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Summary of types of cost classifications: financial reporting, predicting cost behavior, assigning costs to costs objects, e(cid:454): trip ho(cid:373)e to new york; do(cid:374)"t (cid:272)are a(cid:271)out flights to new jerse(cid:455, making business decisions. Assigning costs to cost objects: direct costs, costs that can be easily and conveniently traced to a unit of product or other cost object, ex: direct material and direct labor; making the desk. Indirect costs: costs that cannot be easily and conveniently traced to a unit of product or other cost object, manufacturing overhead, common costs. Product costs are costs associated with making product ready to sell; inventoriable cost (assets on balance sheet); when products are sold go to income statement as cogs. Period costs: not product costs, selling costs, administrative costs, straight to income statement as expenses. Product vs. period check: which are period costs: manufacturing equipment depreciation, property taxes on corporate headquarters, direct material costs, electrical costs to light production facility, sales commissions.