MIC 205A Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Treponema Pallidum, Gram Staining, Corynebacterium Diphtheriae

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Microaerophiles can be found in your____________, _____________, and __________________. You are working in a clinical laboratory and your research project is to monitor the prevalence of bacterial infections in tucson. You receive samples from all over the city and try to determine what is making people sick. You receive an eye swab from a conjunctivitis patient (green with puss). You perform a gram stain and see no significant cocci or bacilli in the smear. Your first thought is this may be a viral infection, but the chart of this patient says she responded well to antibiotic treatment. I have tasked you with discovering a new antibiotic. Knowing that most previous antibiotics were found in the soil, you start your search there. The genus of bacteria you want to try and isolate is. ________________________, given the large number of usable antibiotics this genus produces. Obligate anaerobes can be found in your__________ or deep in.