J 320 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Denotation, Kfc, Racialization

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Document Summary

Ideology: set of ideas that constitute a particular view. Dominant ideology: broader set of values we learn to see as shared. Hegemony: power or dominance that one group holds over another (lull) - Method of gaining & maintaining power through dominant ideologies. Hegemony and consent: we must consent that dominant ideologies are: Inherently true and natural (even if they are not) Operate in our best interest (even if they do not) Interpellation: 1) we are addressed 2) we recognize that we are being addressed. 3) our acknowledgement legitimates the ideological system & our place within it. Incorporation: criticism and resistance are acknowledged, but nothing fundamentally changes. Social construction: things we accept as natural are actually constructed. Race: - not biology, it is an ideology we ascribe to biology. Racial formation: "process where social, economic, & political forces determine the content & importance of racial categories" omi & winant. Establish & perpetuate power of one race over another.