MIS 2113 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Petabyte, Software Engineering, Hypertext

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Basic understanding of how a computer (large or small) works, what each of the main components does, the differences between them, etc. Cpu, ram, cache, secondary storage (and different types), motherboard, graphics card, network interface, system bus. Computers run at pace determined by cpu"s clock speed (processor speed) E. g. 3. 4ghz clock cycles 3. 4 billion cycles/sec. Access any specific location in ram as quickly as any other. Makes up primary storage along with cache. Very fast memory chips located in the cpu. E. g. 4-6mb cache, more expensive than ram. Must be loaded into primary memory so it can be accessed by cpu. Non-volatile (unlike primary) meaning you can"t lose data when power shut off. Takes much longer to access than primary. Use no moving parts, only recently popular. Much more expensive for same amount of storage. Transfer info between cpu, ram and secondary storage. Binary (not really how to read it but how it applies to how computers think)