MTH 161 Midterm: MTH 161 University of Rochester Midterm2Fall2015

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31 Jan 2019

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Please print your name and student id again, and circle your instructor"s name: Bobkova (tr 9:40) bridy (mw 2:00) doyle (mwf 10:25) Please read the following instructions: index card with formulas are allowed. 5 in. presence of calculators, cell phones, ipods and other electronic devices at this exam is strictly forbidden. You may not receive full credit for a correct an- swer if insu cient work is shown or insu cient justi cation is given. 1: (24 points) for each of the following functions y, compute the derivative dy dx (a) y = 2x9 4 5 x2 . 4 x7 (b) y = (ln(x))x (c) y = cos(xex) 2 (d) y = e(sin( x)) (e) y = 2 tan(x) ln(x) + ex (f) y = ln(cid:18)(3x 3)4e2x. 3: (18 points) (a) suppose that 2y2 + sin(x) = xy 8. Find dy dx (b) consider the curve de ned by the equation x3 + y3 = 16.