[ANT 1] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (98 pages long!)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Evolution: change over time, descent with modification. Early thinking on evolution: jean-baptiste lamarck 1744-1829, evolution of acquired characteristics, common perception of the day. Evolution: decent with modification: darwin"s belief, variation is the key. Mechanisms of evolution: production of genetic variation. Migration (gene flow: reduction of genetic variation. Charles darwin 1809-1882: first studied to become a doctor, then minister, but preferred natural history, 1831 joined a five-year mission aboard the hms beagle as a naturalists, influenced by thomas malthus and charles lyell. Thomas malthus 1766-1834: english clergyman and pioneer economist, essay on the principles of population, darwin read malthus" essay in 1838. Sir charles lyell 1797-1875: scottish lawyer trained at oxford, became the leading geologist of his day and wrote the principles of geology , theory of uniformitarianism. Same natural processes acting on the earth today as in the past. Darwin"s theory of natural selection: 1) over-reproduction. More offspring inherit fit" variations fit variations = adaptations.