COMPSCI 171 Quiz: 2015-fq-cs-171-quiz-2

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31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Quiz#2 fall quarter, 2015 20 minutes. Your id: (35 pts total, -5 pts for each error, but not negative) mini-max search in game trees. The game tree below illustrates a position reached in the game. At each leaf node is the estimated score returned by the heuristic static evaluator. Fill in each blank square with the proper mini-max search value. What is the best move for max? (write a, b, or c) 9: (35 pts total, -5 for each error, but not negative) alpha-beta pruning. This is the same tree as above (1. a). You do not need to indicate the branch node values again. Cross out each leaf node that will be pruned by alpha-beta pruning. Do not just draw pruning lines. (max) (min) (max) (a) (b) (c) **** turn page over and continue on the other side **** ( w13) (s21 w11 w22 w31) (s12 w11 w22 w13) (s12 w22) (s21 w22) ( s11)