COMPSCI 171 Quiz: 2015-wq-cs-171-quiz-3-key

16 views4 pages
31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

For quiz #3, of the 77 students who sat the quiz: (due to rounding, numbers shown below are only an approximate estimate. ) Because eee does not return to you these numbers, in full transparency: Please see the study habits section on the class website. For each question on quiz #3, zero gives the percentage of students who received zero, Partial gives the percentage who received partial credit, and full gives the percentage who received 100%. Problem 1: full credit: ~38% (29 students) partial credit: ~62% (48 students) zero credit: 0% (0 students) Common errors with problem 1: using universal quantification in combination with conjunction; and using existential quantification in combination with implication. Problem 2: full credit: ~69% (53 students) partial credit: ~25% (19 students) zero credit: ~6% (5 students) Common errors with problem 2: same old, same old. Attempting to resolve two literals in one step; and attempting to smuggle unavailable facts into the kb.