PSYCH 122I Study Guide - Final Guide: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Unconditional Positive Regard, Exposure Therapy

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Document Summary

Guide: discuss culturally competent and clinical psychology. Every culture has its own definitions of normal and abnormal . Culturally competent clinical psychologist are aware of this, and of the influence of their own cultural perspective. Especially important not to over pathologize: view as abnormal what is culturally normal. Clinical psychology: discuss the mmpi-2, validity, reliability, test-taking attitudes measurements. Most popular and most psychometrically sound objective personality test: used worldwide: translated into dozens of languages. Client marks true or false for each. Original mmpi was published in 1943: primaryy authors were strake hathaway and jc mckinley, empirical criterion keying was used as test construction mathod. Item is included in test only if it elicits different responses from clinical groups. Revised edition, mmpi-2, was published in 1989: better norms (especially demographically/cultrally, less outdated wording of items. Mmpi and mmpi-2 feature 10 clinical scales: 1. Also feature supplemental scales and context scales for additional clinical information.