SOCIOL 154 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Control, Asian Americans, Sexually Transmitted Infection

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30 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Medical sociology midterm study guide: historical attempts to understand the relationship between social behavior and health focused on instincts, magic, and religion: Describe the three models of health and social behavior which are operating in modern society. Primitive humans tended to rely on magic as the fundamental explanation of disease and illness. It was mostly based on magic and supernatural things, not science. Hippocrates of ancient greece represents first attempt to base understanding of the body on rational thought; recognizes contribution of the environment to human well-being. Middle ages introduces a split in responsibility for human well-being: Church attends to social needs while physicians focus on physical ailments. Clinical health: traditional medical model (medicine of the species): focus on western medicine, cause/course/cure. Germ theory of disease (magic bullets): biomedical approach where every disease has a specific pathogenic cause best treated by removing or controlling the cause.