STATS 110 Midterm: Statistics 110 Midterm Exam

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9 Jan 2019

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The r output below shows a regression analysis of data from 84 medium-sized counties in the us. For each county, x = percentage of adults in the county having at least a high-school diploma, and y = crime rate (crimes reported per 100,000 residents) in a given year. >lm(formula = crime ~ diploma, data = midterm) Error t value pr(>|t|) (intercept) 20517. 60 3277. 64 6. 260 1. 67e-08 *** Residual standard error: 2356 on 82 degrees of freedom. F-statistic: 16. 83 on 1 and 82 df, p-value: 9. 571e-05. Df sum sq mean sq f value pr(>f) According to the last us census, 82. 7% of orange county adults have a high school diploma. Round this number to 83%, and obtain a point estimate for the crime rate in orange. Write the population version of the regression model. Interpret the slope in the context of this situation. A 95% confidence interval for y when x* = 70 is 7702 to 9453.