STATS 110 Final: Statistics 110 Final Exam Fall 2015 Solutions

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9 Jan 2019

Document Summary

You should have 6 pages plus a page of output. Use the back of the pages if you need more space. Ys only: variance inflation factor for x1 ys only, hat values, sstotal, cook"s distance values, predicted values (y ) The following scenario is for questions 2 to 10: A pharmaceutical company is developing a new drug that it hopes will provide relief for hay fever. They are considering two active ingredients, which we will call a and b. For the initial part of the experiment they decided to test only ingredient a, to figure out what concentration of that ingredient works best. They create identical-looking pills but that have four different concentration levels, including a placebo that has none of the active ingredient. 10 mg, 15 mg and 20 mg. 100 volunteers who suffer from hay fever are willing to participate in the experiment. 25 volunteers are randomly assigned to each of the concentration levels.