PHI 2010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Scantron Corporation

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25 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Exam 1 will be on tuesday, february 2nd in class. If a single person finishes and leaves before you arrive, you will not be able to take the exam and will receive a 0. You should also consider it very unlikely that you will be able to make up the exam if you miss it. The exam is not designed to make key terms leap out at you and give you the answers when you don"t really understand the material. Your level of preparedness should be that of someone who could explain the relevant material in detail to someone who doesn"t already know it. I say this to stress that the ability to follow the lecture notes as you read them is not an indication that you have mastered the material. Mastery of a body of material comes from repeated retrieval. You should make flashcards and use them to practice recalling the material without looking.