ARCH&UD 10B Study Guide - Final Guide: W. M. Keck Observatory, Orlande De Lassus, Robie House

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Meant to show the economic power of england. Light was a new material that added to the ornamentation of the building. Restoration of notre-dame, viollet-le-duc and lassus 1840s. Viollet-le-duc"s theory: never have existed before. Used classic details and sense of ornamentation in a context. Challenges the traditional use of classic ideals. Physical, political, and social setting for the . All the freeze work is done in terracotta and demonstrated modern depictions. Return to a style we knew about (realism) or lets build make it the style. Considered second empire (don"t need to know) Can say beaux arts - new architecture academy in france. A lot of things are happening bc of haussmannization. More dense and people are moving to cities. Made of red brick = red house. Morris, like pugin, thinks of the gothic as the payday of communal society. Industrial production won"t get in the way and alienate you from your product.