[GE CLST 70A] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (60 pages long)

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Most people thought the personalized reading was 9/10 or 10/10 accurate. That reading was written in 1948 by bertram forer. Individuals will give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored to them: positive attributes yield higher approval ratings. Illusory superiority: the average person believes they are above average: high degree of skepticism reduces the effect. Confirmation bias: tendency to seek out supportive evidence and dismiss contrary evidence. Anecdotal evidence: using an exceptional, personal story as evidence to draw a false conclusion. Just because you know someone who smokes and lived to 90, doesn"t mean smoking is good for you. In fact, only 2% of 90 year olds smoke, because all other smokers have died out before the age of 90. In fact, the two are related - industrialization which has allowed nations to fight piracy has caused global warming - but the decline of pirates is not the cause of global warming.