LIFESCI 1 Midterm: LS1- Midterm 2 Study Guide

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Chapters: 10. 1, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 (not 31. 2), 32, 39 (39. 3), 49. Lecture 11: eukaryotes: protists (10. 1 & 27: eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes, fundamental features of eukaryotes. Larger, cytoskeleton, nuclear envelope, multicellularity (does occur in bacteria, but rare), Molecular phylogenies of protists: two major divisions: (unikonta and bikonta: phagocytosis: single-celled eukaryotic heterotrophs can engulf food particulates, endosymbiosis: an organism of one species lives inside the cells of an organism of another species. Mutually bene cial: mitochondria: host cell supplies bacterium with protection and c. Bacterium supplies host cell with atp (respiration/energy production: chloroplast: host cell supplies bacterium with protection and access to light. Bacterium supplies host cell with o2 and c (photosynthesis: evolution of mitochondria- primary endosymbiosis. Similar size as proteobacteria, replicate via ssion, have their own circular genomes, and have double membranes: origin of chloroplasts. Symbiosis: chloroplasts evolved from cyanobacteria living as endosymbionts with eukaryotic cells. Chloroplasts are site of photosynthesis: primary & secondary endosymbiosis.