BIOL 1107 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Electrochemical Gradient, Anabaena, Ploidy

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4 classes of biomolecules: carbs, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids. Polar matrix: the solute moves up the matrix faster or slower depending on how it interacts with the matrix (adsorption) and the solvent. Differences in polarity affect how the solvent moves up the matrix (solvent is nonpolar) Nonpolar solvent: relatively nonpolar, what the matrix is placed in, climbs up the matrix. **- polarity of the r-groups of amino acids: nonpolar side chains will coalesce when exposed to the polar matrix. Adsorption to the matrix: the solute moves up the matrix faster or slower depending on how it interacts with the matrix (adsorption) and the solvent; how solute interacts with matrix and solvent, solute adheres to the matrix. Absorption by the solvent (aka dissolving in ) - migration distance the solvent is absorbed by the matrix and climbs via capillary action; how solvent interacts with matrix. Rf value = distance moved by sample / distance moved by solvent.