EEB 2202 Final: Final Exam Notes

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All of the that contain the y chromosome of gengeus khan fall within the territory he once ruled with the exception of hazara -afgan pakistan tribe. Bilogical race- chrateristics of a group that makes them disinct from other groups. Epidermus of non-human primates are unpigmented suggesting that this is the ancesteral condition. Melanin can be produced by melanocytes and can be up or down regulated. Skin reflectence- lighter the skin, higher the skin refectence. Hypothesis i- skin color evolved from light to dark in ordr to allow protection from the sun. Light skin 15-70 fold increase in skin cancer risk. Dark skin protects from folic acid (b vitamin) breakdown- folic acid poisoning can lead to birth defects. 90% of vitamin d is produced in the skin. Uv rays is needed in vitamen d production. Melanin which blocks uv prevets production of vitamin d. Vitamin d deficiency causes rickets- a pattern of growth abnormalaties.