GEOG 1700 Final: Final Exam - Terms and WYSK Study Guide

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Insist on cheaper generic drugs, but sued by international pharmacy companies: un led program for yearlong medication, but too high. Africa for nearly 50 years: abolished in 1994, racial categories: whites, coloured (mixed), indian (south asian), and african (black, masai, apartheid, berlin conference - 1884 conference. Divides africa into european colonial territories: francophone vs. anglophone, french speaking vs. english speaking, a lot of regions still use the linguistics of their colonizer, berlin conference, boundaries satisfy 13 counties (european) Chapter 7 vocab - southwest asia and north africa: qanat sytem - developed in iran, a gravity-fed irrigation system with gently sloping tunnels. West bank and gaza: brain drain - migration of the nation"s brightest young people to western europe or u. s. for better jobs. Islamic fundamentalism: sunni and shiite muslims, want to return to a more conservative, religious basis for society and state, want to merge civic and religious authority.