HIST 1203 Study Guide - Final Guide: Kartini, Sex Selection, Purdah

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Document Summary

Development of women"s education in the 20th century, including the educational system, debates, and trends. Debates in siam: it would westernize and cause se asians to assimilate vs. it will bring se. Debates in vietnam: similar to siam, but it was around the issue of gaining independence allow them to be free of colonization. Relation to confucianism: ideal women was to be cloistered and not have relation to men; men were supposed to educate themselves. 1879-1904 - life of kartini; her goals: Build a school with her sister for elite native girls. This goal addresses her personal problems (poor women cannot afford to be cloistered or educated) Trickle down theory for education: dutch native girls elite. Women need to be educated so they can be good mothers and educate their own children. 1911 - publication of kartini"s letters; royalties funded kartini schools. 1941 - right to vote for all women meeting literacy requirements in.