MATH 2210Q Final: Final Exam Spring 2016

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31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Note: this (mostly) only covers material past the second exam. 0: for each of the above vectors, nd a unit vector that points in the same direction, find a unit vector in r2 that is orthogonal to (cid:20) 1. 2 (cid:21): determine which of the following sets are orthogonal sets: (a) (b) (c) 7/2: find a non-zero vector ~v in r3 to make the following set an orthogonal set: Why does it have to be a basis: let ~u = . Calculate proj~v ~u for the following vectors ~v: (a) (b) (c) Calculate projcol a ~u for the following matrices a: (a) (b) 0: find the closest vector to ~u = . 2: use the gramm-schmidt process to nd an orthogonal basis for the column space of the following matrix: 1: find the least-squares solution to the following system of equations: