SLHS 2156Q Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cutoff Frequency, String Vibration, Natural Frequency

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Sound: mechanical vibration transmitted through an elastic medium, must have a source and medium, cannot travel through a vacuum. Energy loss -> ke to thermal. a component of impedance. independent of frequency f is the driving frequency, not the natural frequency of the system. If doubling the # you"re taking the log of, just add . 3. Power, intensity, pressure: power (watts): the work done or amount of energy transformed per unit time reference. Bel, decibel: bel: # bels = log10(ix/ir, decibel: #decibels = 10log10(ix/ir, 1/10 of a bel -> 10 db = 1 bel. Aperiodic with continuous spectrum: white noise: aperiodic, random, continuous spectrum. Signal-to-noise ratio (snr: ratio: signal level/noise level, dbsnr = 100log10(s/n) -> dbsnr = db s db n. If signal level = noise level -> dbsnr = 0. If signal level > noise level -> dbsnr = positive. If noise level > signal level -> dbsnr = negative.