MMW 11 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Recent African Origin Of Modern Humans, Mitochondrial Eve, Peking Man

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Bipedalism evolved from a need to thermo-regulate. Further from the ground and less direct sun. There are constraints on brain size of non bipedal animals. Majority of evidence supports evolution in woodland areas. Walking between forests and fitting in between trees. Biggest problem with hypothesis is that the are prime motivators and tend to focus on one aspect while evolution is complex. Bicultural evolution is the combination of sacral and physical factors. More food meant more time for socializing thus increasing cultural evolution. Primates are highly social, and have more than 1 male (unusual) Primates rely on social learning, occurs during long maturity. Hominids is specific while hominoids is more broad. Humans are most closely related to chimpanzees and bonobos. 98% i we split from a common ancestor lca. First hominid appeared in late miocene or early pliocene. Earth was cooling and more grasslands appeared.