BUAD301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Convenience Food, Formal Wear, Personal Selling

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Very durable and satisfy people"s needs: but, change is occurring, especially in us by retailers who have modified the mixes in various ways. Internet retailing is still in growth stage: trends, 2015, online sales in us topped billion and grew to more than. 7% of all retail sales: online sales are predicted to top 10% of all us sales by 2018, online sales are growing about 15% per year compared to total retail sales grow less than 2% I. e. supermarkets and drugstores- will sell anything they can move in volume: retailers are using technology to enhance the in-store shopping experience, there are ethical issues. Does it depend on how the info is used: most retailers face intense competitive pressure. Pushed retailers toward questionable marketing practices (i. e. advertising too often special sale items to bring shoppers into store but don"t stock enough to meet demand or pushing customers to trade up to more expensive items)