CISC360 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Threshold Voltage, Robert H. Dennard, Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuit

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Document Summary

Computers have been of three basic types, classified according to the location where the arithmetic and logical computations take place (stack, accumulator, register-memory, register- register: memory addressing. Memory can be accessed without extra load instructions. Wasted time/space when source address is another register. Similar number of clock pulses per instruction (very consistent with clock. Only has explicit operands, either memory or registers. The gpr architecture can be further classified in. Register-memory (class that can access memory as part of any instruction) Load-store (class that can access memory as a part of load-store: addressing modes. Endian refers to the order in which bytes are stored. Byte ordering must be reversed when switching endians. In some machines, access to objects larger than a byte must be aligned. Words that are not aligned may require multiple references: types and size of operands. 0001 -> 1000: operations, control flow instructions, encoding isa.