CRJU301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Criminal Negligence, Sociology Of Law, Social Control

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(cid:884)(cid:524) the way to expose people to the (cid:498)ordinary(cid:499) racism is through storytelling. (cid:885)(cid:524) emphasizes the idea of (cid:498)interest convergence(cid:499): advances in racial equality (cid:523)for black. Sociological jurisprudence: a way of thinking about law that tries to incorporate the influences outside the (cid:498)black box(cid:499) (cid:523)society, culture, politics, economics(cid:524) to prosecute the previous act. Ex post facto laws: laws that were created after an act has been committed, and attempts. Repeat players vs. one shotters: reformed rape law. (cid:498)rules choices(cid:499): judges have the power to choose precedence to apply that best achieves the desired outcome of a case; allowable due to the indeterminacy of the law. Interest convergence: white people will support racial justice only when they understand and see that there is something in it for them, when there is a convergence between the interests of white people and racial justice.