PSYC100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Prefrontal Cortex, Extraversion And Introversion, Neuroticism

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Exam 2: sensation: the detection of external stimuli and the transmission of this information to the brain, perception: the processing, organization and interpretation of sensory signals. Top down processing: how knowledge, expectations, or past experiences shape the interpretation of sensory information. Bottom up processing: perception based on the physical features of the stimulus. Receptors: temperature and pressure receptors in your skin transmit that signal. Pathway to the brain: along the 5th cranial nerve (for touch above the neck) or spinal. Stimuli: when you touch something, your skin registers the temperature and the pressure nerves (for touch on or below the neck) through the thalamus to other areas of the brain. Stimuli: when you touch something painful, you register pain with two types of receptors. Resulting perception: as a result, you know how the touch feels. Visual perception: physical stimulus: light waves reflected from the image pass through the cornea and enter the eye through the pupil.