[CJL 3038] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (21 pages long!)

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Penal: the deviant is a violator of prohibition and an offender to be subjected to condemnation and punishment. Compensatory: a person is considered to have a contractual obligation, and therefore owes the victim restitution: remedial styles. Therapeutic: the deviant"s conduct is defined as abnormal; the person needs help. Conciliatory: deviant behavior is one side of a social conflict in need of resolution with no right or wrong. Most common dispute is divorce: more than one of these may appear in any given conflict. Other definitions: system of rules and regulations, forum for value inquiry. You can tell a lot about a society: regime for the resolution of conflict. The courts exist to help resolve disputes: reflection of popular will. Voting: regime to preserve inequality and denial of freedom. What do these definitions have in common: the paramount function of law is to regulate and constrain the behavior of individuals in their relationships with one another.