PSYC 1101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: The Vibrations, Basilar Membrane, Stirrup

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A musician is walking home alone late one night and is startled when a dog in a yard to his left barks unexpectedly. First, the sound waves enter through the outer ear, then in through the ear canal. Next, the sound waves strike the eardrum, causing it to vibrate and the vibrations enter the middle ear. Then, the hammer picks up the vibrations and they (the vibrations) are passed to the anvil. Next, the vibrations are transmitted to the stirrup and a vibration membrane transmits vibrations to the inner ear. Then the vibrations are channeled into the cochlea. Nerve cells detect the vibrations and convert the electrical impulses so that they are transmitted to the brain. Finally, the brain interprets electrical impulses as sound. first compressing molecules then letting them move apart. First the sound waves travel to the outer ear (the invisible portion that includes the pinna, the auditory canal, and the eardrum).