SOCI 3810 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Victimology, Social Forces, Homicide

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Crime vs. deviance (a) deviance behavior that departs from social norms but is not necessarily criminal. Ex: alcoholism, joining a cult, breaking curfew (b) crime an act that is: deemed socially harmful or dangerous. Ii. speci cally de ned, prohibited, and punished under criminal law (c) deviant & criminal examples: deviant but not criminal: alcoholism, joining a cult, criminal but not deviant: speeding, texting while driving, criminal and deviant: murder, rape. The con ict view: the belief that criminal behavior is de ned by those in power in such a way as to protect and advance their own self-interests, society as a collection of groups (ex. Owners, workers, professional) who are in constant and continual con ict: criminal laws protect the haves from the have nots, street crimes vs. white-collar crimes. **46% of violent crimes were cleared (more violent crimes are solved/cleared in comparison to property crime: strengths of ucr: