PSYC 3350 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Wilhelm Wundt, Tantrum, Cognitive Revolution

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1. describe the scope and goals of cognitive psychology. Cognitive psychology started as the scientific study of knowledge. How do we study and memorize, how do we focus our attention and concentrate, and how do we make decision: understand the case of h. m. , and the many ways that memory influences our lives. His case provides additional examples of how thoughts, actions, and feelings depend on knowledge. Without the ability to form new memories, h. m. could not grieve for a favorite uncle who had died, for example, and he always heard the news as if for the first time. Without memory, there is arguably no sense of self. H. m. had no sense of whether he was honorable or dishonest, industrious or lazy, because following the surgery, he could not remember what he had and had not done. 3. describe the limitations of introspection as a method for scientific inquiry. Introspection is deliberately looking inward at pieces of information that pass through consciousness.