PSYC 3350 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: The Cocktail Party, Cocktail Party, Speech Shadowing

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Tedtalk: the art of misdirection https://www. ted. com/talks/apollo_robbins_the_art_of_misdirection: cocktail effect: you can attend to something without being aware of it (like hearing your name called out, attention shapes your reality. The monkey business illusion https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=igqmdok_zfy: when you"re looking for something, you miss other things. The participant is told to repeat the information coming in from one ear and to ignore the other information: explain the three major theories of selective attention. Be sure to address any criticisms of each: broadbent"s early selection theory: all information in your environment goes into your sensory register, which briefly stores all sensory input. Input gets transferred to the selective filter, which identifies what it is supposed to be attending to (e. g. , for language, attends to pitch, accent). Selected information moves on to perceptual processes, which assign meaning to words. Some of it goes through to perceptual processes and meaning is assigned, but it is not high priority.