ATMS 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Outgoing Longwave Radiation, Northern Hemisphere, Density Of Air

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Please bring a #2 pencil and your i-card. Study aids: this sheet, lecture notes, textbook, class exercises. Learn and be able to apply concepts; do not simply memorize facts. Come to office hours, ask your ta, post to the discussion board on compass2g. *radar senses precipitation from the ground; satellites senses clouds from space. *tells you if the precipitation is moving toward you or away from you. *the direction from which the wind is coming from. *east of low pressure (warm), west of low pressure (cold) *pressure is the weight of the air molecules above you; it always decreases with height. *density is the amount of stuff per unit volume; it always decreases with height. *the layer of the atmosphere where weather takes place (where we live) *the atmosphere is divided into layers based on if the temperature increases or decreases with height; from lowest to highest: troposphere (where we live; weather takes place) stratosphere mesosphere thermosphere.