[ECON 103] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (37 pages long)

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Circular flow diagram - two markets (diagram on page 11) Output market - market for goods and services. Factor market - market for factors of production. Salaries of military, teachers, and other government employees. Transfer payments are directs transfer of fund to citizens. A closed economy does not trade with rest of world. An open economy does trade with other countries. Money is the set of assets in an economy that people use to buy goods and services from other people that must be Be able to assign values for prices. Allows people to transfer wealth from present to future. Ex. cows, large stones, gold, cigarettes, animal pelts. Gross domestic product (gdp) is the market value of all goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. Market value - the market prices measure the value of these goods because that is what people are willing to pay.