PSYCH 240 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Garden Path Sentence, Dan Slobin, Transformational Grammar

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Exam 3 - review sheet part 1. Language levels: phonemes: different in different languages, morphemes, words, phrases, sentences. Chomsky. surface structure vs. deep structure, transformational grammar. Principle of minimal attachment (for prepositional phrases like with binoculars ). Ease of comprehending active vs. passive voice sentences (slobin experiment): reversible vs. non-reversible sentences. How slobin"s results support interactionist approach. (do not worry about the slides on the swinney experiment that i did not cover. ) What makes language production difficult: phonemes (differences in different regions, coarticulation). How semantic context can change the effects of garden path sentences. Speech: why it seems easy, but should be hard. Speech errors: sources of error data; mistakes vs slips; linguistic unit: phonological (sound/phoneme) errors, morpheme errors, word errors. Evidence for interactions between levels: lexical bias effect, syntax-sound interactions, meaning-sound interactions. (do not worry about the slides on the freudian slip experiment that i did not cover. ) Models that explain lexical bias: standard model with editor.