PSYCH 250 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reserve Teams In Norwegian Football, Gonad, Menarche

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9 Dec 2018

Document Summary

Puberty: a brain- neuroendocrine process that provides stimulation for rapid physical changes that occur in early adolescence. Hormones: chemicals secreted by the endocrine glands and carried throughout the body by the bloodstream. Hpg axis (hypothalamic, pituitary, gonad: command system for puberty, hypothalamus triggers the pituitary to secrete its hormones, which, in turn, trigger the gonads to secrete their hormones (test/estro), which produce major body changes. Growth spurt- increases in size, strength, weight (25-40 lbs) Uneven growth= asynchrony; hands, feet, legs grow first (gawky) Girls start growth earlier (9-10); boys start 2 years later and grow for a longer period of time. Increase in size and activity of oil producing glands (pimples) Change in muscle- fat ratio- girls add more fat than boys. Historical trends in the onset of puberty in the us: Children mature up to a year earlier in the us. Average age of menarche has declined significantly since the mid-ninteenth century.