SOCIOL 211G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Patricia Hill Collins, Mark Granovetter, Hegemonic Masculinity

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Social network series of relationships that links person directly to others, and through them indirectly to more people friends and family friends of friends. Strength of weak ties (mark granovetter) social networks can be maintained electronically w/o face-to-face contact. Organized, usual, standard ways each society develops to meet its basic needs. Ex. family: regulate reproduction; socialize and protect children education: transmit knowledge and skills across generations medicine: heal the sick, and injured, cae for the dying mass media: disseminate info report events, mold public opinion. Each institution has its own groups, statuses, values, and norms. Gender socially constructed status sex is biological, gender is social (sociological) Gender roles: expectations regarding proper behavior, attitude, and activities of men and women. Feminism: belief in social, economic, and political equality for men and women. Parson and bales to function most effectively, family needs adults who specialize in particular roles/ need to divide labor.