CSCI 4511W Final: CS 4511 UMN Final Exam s08

45 views2 pages
31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Prove by resolution that the following set of clauses (in predicate calculus) is unsatis able. Assume that upper case arguments are constant, lower case arguments are variable: g(b, g(x) h(x, h(z) i(z, h(w) j(w, d, i(b) j(c, b, i(q) j(q, y, 25 points. You are given the following problem and strips operator schemata: Turn to the next page for more questions: draw the rst three levels (s0, a0, and s1 as in the textbook) of the planning graph. Mark all the mutex and indicate for each the type of mutex: is the problem solved at level s1? if not, why not, 40 points. You are given the following strips operator schemata for a robot that can move, pickup, and drop objects. Effect: emptyhand(robot) at(o, x) holding(robot, o)) Effect: emptyhand(robot) at(o, x) holding(robot, o): suppose you want to allow the robot to carry two objects at once, one in its right hand and one in its left hand.