MATH 2374 Midterm: MATH 2374 UMN Spring 07 Exam 1

19 views8 pages
31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

This exam contains 8 pages (including this cover page) and 8 problems. Check to see if any pages are missing. Enter all requested information on the top of this page, and put your initials on the top of every page, in case the pages become separated. You are allowed to take one-half of one (doubled-sided) 8. 5 inch 11 inch sheet of notes into the exam. Do not give numerical approximations to quantities such as sin 5, , or 2. 4 = 2/2, e0 = 1, and so on. The following rules apply: show your work, in a reasonably neat and coherent way, in the space provided. All an- swers must be justi ed by valid mathematical reasoning, including the evaluation of de nite and inde nite integrals. To receive full credit on a problem, you must show enough work so that your solution can be followed by someone without a calculator: mysterious or unsupported answers will not receive full credit.