PSY 1001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Color Constancy, Depth Perception, Detection Theory

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Document Summary

Exam 1 consists of 50 multiple choice items based on the lectures given from the start of the semester and readings from chapters 1, 2, 3, 4. Each of you will see a different set of items, but you will all be tested on the same concepts. Items have been chosen to be of equal difficulty. Some items will be taken from the chapter quizzes, but the majority will be original items based on the lectures and readings. Use study guides #1, 2, 3 to help you prepare for exam 1. The follo(cid:449)i(cid:374)g ideas, (cid:272)o(cid:374)(cid:272)epts, ter(cid:373)s a(cid:374)d su(cid:272)h (cid:272)ould appear o(cid:374) the e(cid:454)a(cid:373). If it is(cid:374)"t o(cid:374) the stud(cid:455) guide it (cid:449)o(cid:374)"t (cid:271)e o(cid:374) the exam. If it is on the study guide, it could be on the exam. Use the practice exam and study guide to prepare. All concepts measured on the practice exam have corresponding concepts on the exam. In some cases you may see the same item.