PSY 1001 Midterm: Exam 3: Study Guide 3

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Study guide for lectures/text on developmental psychology & stress. Cross-sectional study: examine people of different ages at one point in time. Longitudinal study: development of same group of people over time. Cohort: group of individuals that grow up together. Modeling research and intervention: development psychology looks at how inequality affects development. Ses correlation: parents" education is highly correlated with size of child"s vocabulary. Chicago longitudinal study: study of a group of children in the central city over time. Konrad lorenz: he imprinted on geese himself and discovered that there is critical period (specific window of time during which an event must occur) critical period for geese is 36 hours. Types of play: unoccupied, solitary, onlooker behavior, parallel play, associative play, Meta-analysis: find similar studies and put their results together. Neglected kids: few kids like/dislike you, like you aren"t there. Rejected kids: few kids like you, many dislike you. Bullied: picked on by other kids, potentially also rejected or neglected.