[PSY 3121] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (43 pages long)

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29 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Interested in assessing and treating learning and behavioural problems in schoolchildren now called school psychology. He offered the first college course on clinical psychology and started the first journal, He had a functionalist approach to psychology who believe it should be used to help people solve problems rather than just to study the contents of minds. Witmer only entered the field of psychology for financial reasons. He began research on individual differences in reaction time. Witmer went to leipzig to earn his doctorate from wundt because a german phd was very prestigious. He returned to the university of pennsylvania and worked as an experimental psychologist. He found an opportunity to apply psychology to abnormal behavior: an incident that originated in the economic circumstances of the time ( growth in funding for public education) Witmer taught some of the new courses established for public school teachers. He prepared courses on methods for treating mentally defective, blind and disturbed children.