PSY 2401 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Task Analysis, Object Permanence, Egocentrism

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Remember: everything in lecture is fair game for the exam! Book material: chapters 4 and 5, saffran article and discussion section material (thelen, werker) Suggestion: study with your notes and the book side-by-side" going through each topic by filling in your lecture notes with information in the book that was not covered. Note: think about how theories since piaget are both similar and different (continuous vs. discontinuous? child-environment interaction?, etc ) Constructivist- child as a scientist -hypotheses, experiments, conclusions; interaction with world leads to mental structures and schemes. Nature = maturing brain; ability to perceive and act, learn and nurture = every experience the child has. Piaget saw development as discontinuous, occurring in stages that were order invariant and universal . But: underlying his stated overview of stage-like development, he recognized processes that were continuous: Continuous" feedback loop (but never studied this or explained how change happened this way) reaction (primary, secondary, tertiary); object permanence.