BIOL 260 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Phosphatidylinositol, Inositol Trisphosphate, Elastic Cartilage

57 views8 pages
21 Sep 2016

Document Summary

2/10- chemical regulation of cell behavior and maybe some tissues. The receptors are just as important as the chemical signals themselves. Phospholipase c system: multiple 2nd messengers: phospholipase breaks down a specific phospholipid substrate, the one it breaks down is pip2 (phosphatidyl inositol bis-phosphate, when pip2 gets broken down it splits into two parts- inositol triphosphate and diacylglycerol (dag) Calmodulin is an important protein that calcium binds to. It is a regulatory protein that switches between the shape of having a protein, and not having protein. It goes on to turn on other proteins and certain protein kinases. When the system fails: type 1 diabetes. Failure to make insulin- insulin levels are very low or zero. Pancreatic islet cells are just not there, normally because the immune system thinks they are bad and kills them. Cells can"t take up glucose because there is no insulin to bind to insulin receptors to tell them to do so.