BIOL 329 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Gram-Positive Bacteria, Dna Replication, Ergosterol

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20 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Microorganisms: they are prokaryotes; one-celled organisms that does not have a true nucleus or membrane-bound organelles their ribosomes and genetic material are free-floating in the cytoplasm, flagella and cilia help increase their mobility, shapes: Spherical shaped bacteria: diplococci: two spherical bacteria joined together, streptococci: chain of spherical bacteria, staphylococci: cluster of spherical bacteria. Rod-shape bacteria: diplobacilli: two rod-shape bacteria joined together, streptobacilli: chain of rod-shape bacteria, staphylobacilli: cluster of rod-shape bacteria. Spiral shaped bacteria: gram staining: crystal violet (purple) and iodine creates a complex that adheres to the outermost layer of bacteria, followed by a treatment with safranin (red) Outermost layer is a single thick peptidoglycan cell wall: *when a decolorizer (like alcohol) is added, Parasitic worms: often ingested via contaminated food or water and live off of the food present in the digestive tract of their host. Unicellular eukaryotes that have many different features, depending on the organism: many cause diseases, microbial ecology: