COM 381 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vocal Folds, Morse Code, Consubstantiality

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Source, receiver, message or code, channel, feedback, noise: alternate view: 4 general axioms / principles: shared understanding, use of signs with associated meanings, 2+ individuals, conscious and deliberate use of symbols, signs, symbolic signs. Looks like what it represents drawings: indexical signs. Ex: smoke and fire: semiotics study of the use of signs, verbal (words) vs vocal (sounds) Written / text / sign language / braille / morse code / gestures with shared understanding (e. g. middle finger) Scream / pitch / tone / humming / crying / laughing. Siren / traffic lights / facial expressions / gestures without shared understanding / whistling. / emoji / shh / clapping: meaning, consubstantiality: Strive to arrive at consensus for meaning: feedback, verbal / nonverbal response, noise, physical noise. Example loud fan, lawn mower, television: psychological noise. Example hunger, internal to-do list, emotions: semantic noise, misunderstanding / confusion.