LEB 323 Midterm: Copyrights

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Owner of copyrighted works have exclusive right to: 1. Publicly distribute copies: first sale doctrine only , which means people can resell copies, 4. Term of copyright protection: copyright protection has been extended numerous times, current life is = life of author + 70 years, disney"s copyright claim on mickey mouse ends on 2023. Joint-authorship: joint-authors can exercise rights of ownerships, such as granting licenses to use the copyrighted work without the consent of the other author, john lennon can grant right to use without paul"s consent. Subject matter (types of protected works: literary works, musical, dramatic, choreographic, pantomimes, graphic, sculptural, motion pictures, sound recordings, architectural works, original does not mean novel in copyright law. Simply means the expression was original to the particular person. Facts: facts are not protected under copyright law, original interpretation about facts can be copyrighted but facts are not, novel about hitler"s death, compilations of facts are copyrighted.